Shôn was born in Llangefni, on the Isle of Anglesey. He studied Drama & Film at University of East Anglia (1987-1990) and trained at The Lecoq School in Paris (1990-1992) while making street theatre and performing stand-up. 

“I was always a sucker for improvisation and that was the real inspiration to go there (to The Lecoq School). Learning to create your own theatre with your own ideas,” he says.

Nick Clark – THE STAGE

Shôn at Lecoq

Shôn Dale-Jones works as a writer, performer, director and producer. He makes work on stage, on radio, on screen and elsewhere. Since 1993 he has created 27 theatre shows, 5 radio plays, several films and created site-specific and outdoor work. His work has toured to over 20 countries, across 6 continents and translated into 7 languages. Partners have included the BBC, Barbican, Royal Court, National Theatre Studios, National Theatre Wales and Sydney Opera House.

He is represented by Kate Haldane at PBJ MANAGEMENT 

He turned the story of a neighbour’s pet rabbit into a cheerfully poignant meditation on life, death and Wittgenstein. He almost convinced us that the island of Anglesey was starting to float away from Wales. There is a magic about his world which encourages leaps of the imagination. The work always starts with elements of Dale-Jones’s own experience, then goes on a creative journey – capable of both daftness and profundity, manic enthusiasm, and also surprising voyages into emotions and philosophy.

Susan Mansfield – THE SCOTSMAN

Dale-Jones’ shows have always weaved stories with humour, wry observation and emotional heft. He regularly breaks the fourth wall to interact with the audience and establish a kind of “raconteur pub-type” atmosphere. It is like stand-up, he creates a “democratic” space.

Nick Clark – THE STAGE

He has developed a series of successful and beautifully written solo shows…the sheer theatrical quality of these semi-autobiographical shows makes them remarkable

Joyce McMillan – THE SCOTSMAN
